News, Continued

  • Gerstner Philanthropies donates $166,667 for Helping Hands Student Emergency Fund at CCNY
    March 14, 2023

    Gerstner Philanthropies has made a gift of $166,667 to support the Helping Hands Student Emergency Fund at The City College of New York. Helping Hands provides one-time assistance to students facing one-time emergencies with the goal to help college students continue through to graduation. The grant will assist students for the remainder of 2023. “We are grateful to be able to partner with the Gerstner Philanthropies team, which allows us to expand on the important work of providing emergency support to our students to maintain momentum in their college career. Student retention is a key goal of City College,” said Dee Dee Mozeleski, senior advisor to the president, and vice president and executive director of The Foundation for City College.

    Read More at CCNY.CUNY.EDU
  • Gerstner Scholar at AMNH Identifies Mechanism for Glass Frogs Unique Transparent Abilities
    December 23, 2022

    A new study from Gerstner Scholar Jesse Delia and researchers at the AMNH identified the mechanism that allows Glass frogs to maintain their unique transparency. Researchers had previously observed Glass frogs shifting into a transparent state during rest periods as a means to camouflage themselves. By using soundwaves to identify where the Glass frogs were storing their red blood cells, Delia and his colleagues observed the Glass frogs storing up to 89% of their red blood cells within the liver. This ability, and the fact that the Glass frogs did not develop any bloods clots could have potentially large benefits for blood-clotting treatment in humans.

  • Gerstner Philanthropies Grants $950K in support of Hunger Prevention
    December 9, 2022

    Gerstner Philanthropies is excited to announce that it has awarded $950,000 to eight organizations across our core funding locations to support hunger prevention in our communities in 2023. These organizations provide food and related assistance to an increasing number of individuals and families struggling from the impacts of inflation and rising housing costs. These funds will be utilized by our grantees to continue to implement critical programs, such as mobile pantries and meal delivery for clients in food deserts, food rescue programs and one of the largest kosher and halal food pantries in the country. This announcement comes on the heels of three Thanksgiving meals grants totaling $43,200 to partners in Palm Beach, Boston, and Greater New York City, providing over 800 families with turkey dinners over the holidays.

    Read the full list of food grants on our grants page